Cheltenham Victoria 3192

Teacher Professional Development

Professional Development
Louise Lennard presented at the STAV Science Teachers Association Victoria Chemistry Conference on Wednesday 14th February.
The following is an abstract of her presentation: 

The new VCE Chemistry study design commencing implementation for Unit 3 and 4 in 2024, has new and specific School Assessed Coursework (SAC) requirements.  This presentation will include suggestions for creation of the 5 specified SAC types including

  1. AoS 3 scientific poster
  2. comparison and evaluation of chemical concepts, methodologies and methods and findings from at least two practical activities
  3. analysis and evaluation of primary and/or secondary data, including identified assumptions or data limitations and conclusions
  4. problem-solving, including calculations, using chemistry concepts and skills applied to real-world contexts.
  5. analysis and evaluation of a chemical innovation, research study, case study, socio-scientific issue, or media communication

Ideas and suggestions for stimulus material were provided.     

Download Teacher PL ppt

Powerpoint Louise Lennard ppt CEA November Lectures 23rd Nov 2023
