Louise Lennard presented at the STAV Science Teachers Association Victoria Chemistry Conference on Wednesday 14th February.
The following is an abstract of her presentation:
The new VCE Chemistry study design commencing implementation for Unit 3 and 4 in 2024, has new and specific School Assessed Coursework (SAC) requirements. This presentation will include suggestions for creation of the 5 specified SAC types including
- AoS 3 scientific poster
- comparison and evaluation of chemical concepts, methodologies and methods and findings from at least two practical activities
- analysis and evaluation of primary and/or secondary data, including identified assumptions or data limitations and conclusions
- problem-solving, including calculations, using chemistry concepts and skills applied to real-world contexts.
- analysis and evaluation of a chemical innovation, research study, case study, socio-scientific issue, or media communication
Ideas and suggestions for stimulus material were provided.
Download Teacher PL ppt
Powerpoint Louise Lennard ppt CEA November Lectures 23rd Nov 2023